We know that life is unpredictable—and sometimes, so is the health of our pets. We offer same-day appointments during regular hours to ensure your pet gets the care they need when they need it. If your pet is experiencing an emergency within our business hours, please call ahead and talk to a team member for assistance.

Our Services

Pet Wellness

Pet Wellness

Wellness care starts with a physical exam of your furry friend. The veterinarian will check…

Ultrasound & Endoscopy

Ultrasound & Endoscopy

An ultrasound is a powerful diagnostic tool that creates a real-time internal image of an…

Dental Care

Dental Care

At Arrow Dog & Cat Hospital, pet dentistry is a vital part of our comprehensive…

Eastern Medicine & Acupuncture

Eastern Medicine & Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a 3000-year-old Chinese practice utilizing hair-thin needles to stimulate the body’s nerve centers,…



Arrow Cat & Dog Hospital in Montclair is fully equipped to perform most common surgical…

Emergency & Urgent Care 

Emergency & Urgent Care 

Walk-in Emergency Services are available, please call for assistance. Arrow Dog & Cat Hospital is…

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We know that life is unpredictable—and sometimes, so is the health of our pets. We offer same-day appointments during regular hours to ensure your pet gets the care they need when they need it.